Here is what we kind of have in mind (love everything except the words.. so we won't do that). I have a friend/client coming to paint a tree for us and hopefully it will be similar to this one :)
& because of the wonderful new website pinterest (where I found the above picture) we found out there is another tree in this room that I am dying to do on a different wall too!!
LOVE the shelves!!!
Our nursery bedding is this same color too and was actually picked out before I found these trees so it works out perfect! Here are some pictures of our bedding that we registered for!
& as you see above our sheets are different but here is the blanket we registered for to go with his bedding.
It will be embroidered in matching blue with his name :)
& Im wanting to do some bunting to match his nursery colors like this in one corner of his room:
& we've also registered him for some other cute little nick nacks like this dog chair to match:
how cute is that!?!
Now, to only find the chocolate brown furniture & a rocker before the day after thanksgiving sales!! (when i plan to shop)! ;)
I will be back soon (as soon as we take an updated belly pic!) with an 18 week update on how the little guys doing! :) But just for kicks (no pun intended) ;) he is moving around like crazy and I LOVE the feeling!!!!!
*most of these images were either taken from my nursery board on pinterest:
or our registry that can be found at RH Baby & Child: