Monday, February 18, 2013

Sick Weekend...

We had our first (and last) Children's ER visit this weekend. Last week Jude was really congested, and had an extreme runny nose. Well, he's also teething so we chalked it up to that. On Saturday morning he woke up with a 104.3 degree temp (I knew something was up when he slept all night... A few whimpers here and there). So we started rotated Tylenol & Motrin every 4.
I went to work and left him with dada thinking fever virus. He continued to run the fever all day and refused to eat any solid food. On Sunday morning he woke up, still high fever and we couldn't get it down at all with meds. At 8:45 his temp was 103 so we gave him more Motrin, he was breathing really fast with purple hands and feet so we decided ER was a must. When we got there he started having diahrrea. At 10:30 (an hour and 45 mins after Motrin) his fever had gone up to 103.7. So they gave him tylenol which only brought it down to 102. More diahrrea. The doctors at children's did absolutely no bloodwork, no flu test. The only test they did on him was a straight cath to check for a UTI. Even tho he had no symptoms except high fever of a UTI. Then after telling us babies "just get sick" sent us home with a baby still high fever and severe diahrrea and told us to check with our primary doctor the next day to make sure he was getting better. Today he woke up with fever 102, and lots of diahrrea so we called dr McCown first thing who told us to come on in. They did bloodwork on him and determined his viral cells and symptoms were signs of he flu but they couldn't do anything because it had been over 48hrs since symptoms presented. Thank you children's ER for doing nothing for my baby. If you had done your job and not blown us off we could've gotten treatment. Now my baby has to ride it out. Dr M sent us home with probiotics and orders to nurse as much as possible. So that's what we are doing. I am so sad for my baby that he's had such a hard weekend. And I'm so disappointed in the care we got at children's. I know they see lots of people who are just using "the system" and are not really sick but clearly my baby was sick. I hate being disappointed in hospitals and healthcare. Our experience during Jude's birth and Nicu stay at St Vincents was not up to par either. I'm not sure what to make of it all. I mean, are we just hard patients? Or do people think we are lying? Anyways, we will be finding a new local hospital to take our baby to next time and demanding more tests! It's sad that they have to be demanded!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Announcing Baby #2!

Bringing up Baby will be getting it's newest little member come October 2013 :)
We thought, what better day to announce it than Valentines Day?!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

day 44 | feb 13 | project 365

Day 44
Jude had his first Valentines party at school :)
These were his valentines for his friends (since they can't eat candy yet) ;)

And this is his Romeo shirt :) hehe! (found at target)

Elmo obsession this morning of course...

Cutest baby booty ever! (i dont care its a little blury :) )

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

day 35 | feb 5 | project 365

First day shooting in my new studio & I HAD TO do some vday pics of my sweet boy :)

day 36 | feb 6 | project 365

Today got up to about 60 degrees! So we played in the sunshine :)
What I really should have taken a pic of today was daddy & mommy with jude because we had a whole day at home together! It was wonderful!!

day 34 | feb 4 | project 365

Organizing the studio today because my first sessions in it are tomorrow. This is my little seating area for now. Hoping to add a white couch, white changing table, & white rocker!

day 34 | feb 3 | project 365

me & my buddy. today we attended the viewing of his great grandaddy. you will be missed grandaddy!!!! we love you!!!
(notice he was not very happy to take a picture with mommy.. figures ;) )

day 33 | feb 2 | project 365

Today we celebrated my BIL, Marc, and his fiance, Jordan.

day 32 | project 365

February 1, 2013
Jude's first day back to MDO :)
Since Im working in the studio now on a consistent basis we decided it would be best for Jude to go to MDO 3 days a week. He is so active he needs the stimulation! haha! & let me tell you, he is LOVING it!!! Such a big boy!!

day 31 | project 365

January 31, 2013
I moved into my new studio!
This was such a huge goal for me! To be able to work outside of the home & have my home back to raise my family in was such a blessing! Many things God has in store, I can tell ;)

day 30 | project 365

January 30, 2013
I got called a girl in Walmart wearing this boy outfit! ha!

day 29 | project 365

January 29, 2013
Errands with momma

Day 28 | Project 365

January 28, 2013
This boy LOVES Elmo :)

Day 27 & YTD recap | Project 365

Hi! So, I was posting all of these 365 images on my LB Studios work blog. But, I found myself so worried about if they were technically correct or not that I was enjoying just taking the pictures! Ive decided to post them here so that if the lighting is wrong or the subject isn't in focus I can still post its cuteness (aka jude's cuteness) ;)
Here is a little recap of what we have been doing the past 26 days on my other blog:

Now, for day 27. Jan 27, 2013
Jude was sick with a fever of 103+ for about a week so we took him to after hours for the first time :( my poor baby! Found out it was just a virus and had to keep running its course. Ofcourse the next day he was all better! ha!