Jude is growing so fast!
Shorty is finally getting tall enough to reach the door knobs. o.0
He's eating with a spoon and out of bowls and plates and drinking stricktly from straw cups!
Weve had an ear infection (our first one) for about 3 weeks now. I think for 2 reasons 1. our nursing relationship ended because my milk dried up with pregnancy so he's been drinking tons through a bottle and 2. i think he has allergies
We are on our 3rd round of antibiotics :( and had to toss all the bottles.
Also, Ive started hand expressing some milk (my body has started making for baby #2) to give to Jude on occasion, in the hopes that it will help his immune system.
I find myself spending a lot of time sad about losing our nursing relationship. I should have fought harder for it to last. I don't feel "guilty" so to speak, I just miss it. The WHO recommends bfeeding to atleast 2 years of age (and beyond) and we didn't make it but 10 months so I know there are many more health benefits he could have had. Im not beating myself up about it. Just writing that on here to hopefully help anyone else going through the same thing!
I plan to pump for him and putting it in a cup when Liam arrives. I don't want to pump while pregnant just because I don't want to cause any premature labor (would be different if I was already pumping and my body was use to it). But hand expressing some on occasion I don't think will be a big deal.
Cloth Diapers!
We have decided that with 2 babies about to be in diapers we should try our hand at cloth diapering! I mean, the worst part about it (besides increased laundry loads), is poop & lets be honest, the boy already gets poop on his clothes and we have to wash that! why not was diapers too! Ive been doing lots of research on cloth diapers over the past week or so. You would not believe how many options there are! Its quite overwhelming!
Some cool things about it:
Its good for the environment
Its better on babes bum
It promotes early potty training! :D
It saves $$$$
and the list goes on!
I ordered several different samples to try out to see which we like before I order a lot of one kind. These are bumgenius and sunbaby. Ive also got an alva on the way. Ive chosen to go with pockets & inserts just because it seemed the easiest in my mind.
Oh and we bought some Charlie soap to wash them in! Thanks to those who recommended it! :)
Wish us luck in this endeavor! ;)