Thursday, July 18, 2013

Jude's Ear Infection(s) Remedy-- Its in the Milk

So I got on to post about something totally different and realized I never let you guys know how we solved Jude's ear infection problem!
In my last post I said how I was thinking it may be allergy related and about my "guilt" over losing our nursing relationship. Well, turns out it was a little of both!
Drew has a milk allergy, not lactose intolerant but it just makes him feel yuck and his sinuses will get congested.. this can lead to ear infections!! WHY DIDN'T I PUT 2 & 2 TOGETHER?
I digress...
A friend suggested milk as maybe being the culprit for Jude and suggested I google it. So I did. A month straight & 4 antibiotics later of ear infections & doctors talking about tubes I was willing to try anything!
Turns out a lot of babies have a milk allergy that leads to ear infections. The milk we drink today is so processed and the cows are pumped full of hormones and antibiotics its no wonder milk takes a toll on our bodies. While reading the articles I started thinking of how Drew doesn't handle milk well. It was worth a try to see if this was the culprit, afterall, Jude had just started whole milk a month ago when I had to give up nursing-- when the ear infections started! Coincidence?
So, we stopped all things dairy for a few days and guess what... his sinuses were clear and his ear infections were gone!! Hallelujah!
We have since reintroduced other forms of dairy like cheese and yogurt and those don't seem to bother him. For milk we substitute with Almond milk. Which we already had in our house because of Drew's allergy! It has been an easy transition! Jude isn't as crazy about the taste of the almond milk as he was mommas milk and whole milk but all is now well in the Barnwell home! We also started taking him to the chiropractor for adjustments just to make sure any fluid in his ears drains properly as an extra precaution. Our chiropractor also counsels us on proper nutrition-- which that is for another post :)
Its been 4 months now since his last ear infection (wow I didn't realize it had been that long!!). We recently saw our regular pediatrician for his 15 month checkup and he was astonished at how well Jude's ears looked! His response when we were leaving- "keep the milk away and keep going to the chiropractor!". Neither of these things were the doctors recommendation so it made me feel good that we had helped our baby on our own and that the doctor was so impressed with his recovery. I am so thankful for my FB friend Jessica for recommending I look into the milk culprit and my friend Jennie for suggesting we see a chiropractor! :) Yay for a healthy baby!
Now, a cute pic for your entertainment :) Post about our disney trip coming soon!

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