Our first trip to Disney as a family!
Jude was just 15 months old and let me tell you, he was so well-behaved and had such a great time! I told Drew that we went at the perfect time because about 2 weeks after coming home he started throwing terrible two's fits. HA!
Smiling at Minney on the way to the airport!
I can't believe he still used this little carseat at 15 months old!
Starbucks airport snack!
He did so great in the airport. We brought along our stroller so we wouldn't have to pay the $30 a day to rent one! It was also wonderful to have it in the airport! They just check it at the gate.
Flying was a breeze! I brought tons for him to eat and do but he mainly napped!
Fell asleep in mommas lap on the plane! Everyone kept commenting on how good of a traveler he was :) so proud!
Day 1: Animal Kingdom (note my 20 week pregnant belly ;0) )
I brought this backpack leash for him so he could run around and I wouldn't have to worry over the crowds but he wasn't really use to it and didn't like it at all.
My family!
All the adults (but me since I was pregnant) got to ride all the fun/adult rides while I watched Jude. Most of the time MiMi hung out with me too. It was fun hanging with my mom :)
Back row... hehe ;)
About to board his first ride. Daddy was kissing him but he was too busy watching the ride!
Watching Nemo!
Everything was so interesting to him! He just took it all in!
It was a little I mean, a whole heck of a lotta hot with it being June so we did frequent water/rest breaks in the shaded areas.
MiMi doing "this little piggy" on Jude's toes ;)
Loves his Pop!
Day 2 we visited Epcot!
^^Jude fell asleep on this dark ride. He never typically falls asleep in random places haha. It was nice to have him fall asleep on me like a baby again. I will never forget :)
He did lots of little snoozing naps in his stroller but we made trips back to the hotel for big naps.
he loved sleeping "on" mommy the whole trip :)
I Love my cute parents!!
& sweet handsome hubby :)
And this cute baby...
Watching the Epcot Fireworks show!
Goofing off in the hotel. He found a new obsession with his stroller and the buckles on it lol
If only I knew it was so cheap to entertain him!
We had a superman pic drawn of jude! it was so cute!
Day 3: Downtown Disney
We planned a break in the middle of our week to rest, swim at the hotel pool, and visit downtown Disney. Its a good thing we did because it rained a good bit that afternoon. Rain in Disney in June is a great thing! It cools it off so much!
White chocolate covered marshmallow... he loved it!
They had good music playing in the park area and we just let jude run around and enjoyed it!
Day 4: Magic Kingdom!
We tried to base which park we went to each day off the extra magic hours. Magic Kingdom was definitely the most awaited park!
Carousel with mommy!
fell asleep in the lunch line. poor guy!
he slept everywhere lol
Waiting in line at BUZZ/ Toy Story ride!
beautiful baby! i can't believe how little he was! it felt like he was so big back then :(
We ate at this awesome place that had the biggest cinnamon rolls ever for breakfast!!
my two boys in my lap :) I longed for the day I would hold them both at the same time, earth side.
his first mickey doll :)
Little did we know Buzz Lightyear would SOON become his FAVORITE!
We rode Dumbo as a family! so fun!
outside of Pirates of the Caribbean ride! this was the most action mommy got the whole trip! there is one dip while your riding it that is semi- intense, and we all joked how that was the most action I got since I couldn't ride anything while preggo. haha!

The Haunted Mansion
while waiting in line for the haunted mansion I got this sweeeeet kiss! oh my heart!
The back of the castle that night!
The parade! So pretty!!
Word to the wise, get there for a seat early! We had no where to stand :(
Day 5: Hollywood Studios
This is my favorite park... when Im not pregnant! It has the most fun adult rides!
& good margaritas ;)
Fastpasses are a must for any Disney traveler! Never wait in line, ever!
He LOVED the bus rides lol
Uncle hay hay actually strolled him around and he loved it!
Watching the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse LIVE!
Loves his Aunt Cam
Cutest napper ever.
Love my sweet family! I cannot wait to take this picture again this year with Liam in it!!!
My silly sister!;)
All of mom & dad's "kids"
Jude loved this car!
& he loves his aunt and uncle so much!
My cutie pie!
This trip was so much fun! We are already planning to go back this fall and take Liam. I cannot wait to see how much Jude loves it this time! Mommy has to do a lot of extra work to pay for these trips, but it is so worth it every time to see that joy on their faces! They may not remember it, but I hope they get to read this blog and look at these pictures and see what fun they had! I know I will remember it :)
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