Well, one day I caught Jude straining to go #2 and I was SO BEYOND TIRED of cleaning his poop diapers! I mean, they were awful! Toddler poo is The.Worst. So, when I saw him straining I grabbed him and ran him to the potty and sat him down and he finished going.
This was the first time he had ever gone anything in the potty.
And it was like it just clicked! When he would start straining he would yell "momma!! Go potty!!" And I'd run him to the bathroom. At this point I didn't care if he ever peed in the potty! I was just relieved not to have to clean those poop diapers anymore! Ha!
I think it was the 3rd time he poo pooed in the potty that he actually peed in there too. This was a new revelation for him! He started getting super excited over the candy he was getting so just 3 days after using the potty here and there I decided to try the naked method over the weekend. Jude has a very large vocabulary and communicates his needs very well so I figured it was worth a shot!
I took him to the potty every hour the first few days. I read him a BILLION books and spent countless hours sitting on a little stool in our bathroom but I was determined!
The first day or two he did AMAZING! Like only 1-2 accidents a day. I couldn't believe it, I just knew he would stop at any moment! I mean prior to that week he had never even used the potty!
On the third day he started having lots of accidents :( I was so sad. I thought, "all this hard work for nothing!" I got tired of cleaning up pee so I put him in pull ups :( this felt like a mommy fail and I just KNEW he would lose all interest. I still asked him if he needed to potty but not as often as I was, he seemed frustrated with all the asking and he was always honest about if he needed to go or not so I decided to back off a lot. I only asked him if it had been several hours or if he was doing the potty dance.
And he began TELLING ME that he needed to go!! Hallelujah! His pull-ups stayed dry so we began the naked method again.
I feel it's important to note here that he did not do well in others care-our nanny, baby sitter, or his daddy. Although we just kept on, keeping-on, and he eventually started going with them too. Made leaving for work super hard!!!!
But, since he began telling me he needed to go the accidents pretty much stopped. He would only have them on occasion like when he would throw a fit or when he didn't want to stop playing. He did get a couple of spankings and time-outs for accidents and I often made him apologize for having one. Many times he would say "momma help you clean up?" And want to help me clean up the mess.. Sweet boy.
I know "they", whoever "they" are, say not to spank or discipline for potty accidents but my child responds very well to loving discipline. Every child is different. And I only did this once I knew that he knew what he was doing. Obviously you wouldn't want to discipline a child that physically couldn't hold it yet but I knew mine was capable- he just didn't want to stop playing.
So once he was going regularly and not having any accidents (except to sleep and in the public he wore pull-ups), we started putting him in big boy underwear! I let him go on amazon and pick out ones he wanted and had them shipped to the house via 2 day shipping.. Can we say hallelujah for amazon from all the SAHM mommies!!! ;) He really loved picking them out and his daddy bought him some more from babies r us and brought them home too-- he really loves anything from his daddy!
So, it's been a month now and we've been totally accident free for a week now!!! He even wakes up from naps and in the morning dry as a bone! As soon as we get a waterproof liner for his new bed I may try underwear at nap.
One day this week we were leaving for the day and I tried to put a pull up on him and he just cried and cried and I thought "why am I fighting this?!" He obviously wants to wear underwear! I should at least try in public! I was terrified bc he HATES public bathrooms- the noise scares him and he won't go in our portable potty we keep in the car. I just knew he'd wet himself right in the middle of Gap as we were shopping! But, to my surprise, he told me he had to potty right in the middle of Gap and went on their public potty!! I was so shocked! We have since been out of the house everyday this week in underwear with no accidents!
I am so proud of my big boy!!!! He is amazing and smart and such a wonderful little boy! He teaches me new things everyday and brings so much joy to my heart!!!
I love you Jude Thomas!!!! Now, let's go to the beach to celebrate ;)
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