Tuesday, March 27, 2012

40 Weeks & Counting...

Wow. Just wow...
I cannot believe we actually made it to 40 weeks! Well, 40 weeks and 1 day and counting!

I always felt like Jude would come early.. guess not...

Of course, now come the feelings of anxiety and a little bit of depression over the fact that we haven't met our baby boy yet. On the upside, Jude managed to stay in long enough for his dresser to come in & for us to attend my dear Uncle Brian's funeral this past weekend. Just a little reminder that God has perfect timing for everything.

Now we are just waiting and waiting. It seriously is the hardest thing Ive EVER had to wait for! & I keep telling myself to quit stressing about it because that will only delay the process but. it. is. hard.

As many of you know from following this blog, we are trying for a natural birth. Well, what this means is no no no induction if at all possible! Luckily, my doctor has been super supportive and one of them flat out said- "it will put you in a csection". Im only 1.5cm and 30% effaced and baby still hasn't dropped. All of which are factors to rather or not an induction will actually even work. In my case, I would probably labor for HOURS trying hard to just get to 3cm and wear myself slap out to the point that I want an epidural and then we'd end up in a csection for failure to progress. & we don't want to put the extra stress on Jude if at all possible either. So, we are just waiting it out. Which IS. HARD.

I now have to go to the doc twice a week and Friday Im having an ultrasound and non-stress test to see how baby is doing. He seems to be doing great to me... pretty much content, lol.

Anywho, I do know that he will be here by 42 weeks so that makes things a little easier to handle. Im just spending my days nesting and finishing up some last minute work things... trying to keep myself occupied and not thinking about how desperately I want to hold my baby boy!! Drew and I spent all day Saturday "nesting" on the outside of the house... buying home improvement things... and a date to the movies to keep occupied. It was so nice to spend time with him! We both typically work Saturdays so it was a blessing!

Daddy is getting so ready too... he has packed the car up and tells me in the mornings that I need to go into labor so he can stay home from work.. trust me, I want nothing more than for him to be able to stay home!! Hopefully any day now!

Baby Jude, we are so ready to meet you! You have no idea how anxious we are! We are praying everyday that you would be ready to come out and meet the world! But, we know that you still have some growing to do or you wouldn't be taking your time ;) We are just going to be happy that you will be healthy and ready when you do enter the world!

Until we get to see your sweet face... xoxo <3 we love you sweet boy!!!

-mommy & daddy

Maternity Pictures

Here are some more of my maternity pictures by Heather Campbell Photography! Taken at 34 weeks! :) Lets just say Im feeling much more "enormous" now ;0)

Thank you Heather for taking these for me!!!! You have no idea how much I LOVE them! :)