Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nursery Plans

We've been brainstorming and surfing the internet for the perfect nursery decor. Well, we finally made a decision! I thought I'd share some of our ideas. We cannot wait to start putting it together for our little man :)
Here is what we kind of have in mind (love everything except the words.. so we won't do that). I have a friend/client coming to paint a tree for us and hopefully it will be similar to this one :)
& because of the wonderful new website pinterest (where I found the above picture) we found out there is another tree in this room that I am dying to do on a different wall too!!
LOVE the shelves!!!
Our nursery bedding is this same color too and was actually picked out before I found these trees so it works out perfect! Here are some pictures of our bedding that we registered for!
& as you see above our sheets are different but here is the blanket we registered for to go with his bedding.
It will be embroidered in matching blue with his name :)
& Im wanting to do some bunting to match his nursery colors like this in one corner of his room:

& we've also registered him for some other cute little nick nacks like this dog chair to match:
how cute is that!?!

Now, to only find the chocolate brown furniture & a rocker before the day after thanksgiving sales!! (when i plan to shop)! ;)

I will be back soon (as soon as we take an updated belly pic!) with an 18 week update on how the little guys doing! :) But just for kicks (no pun intended) ;) he is moving around like crazy and I LOVE the feeling!!!!!

*most of these images were either taken from my nursery board on pinterest:
or our registry that can be found at RH Baby & Child:

Thursday, October 20, 2011

17 weeks

This past Friday we found out you are a boy!!! It was such an exciting time. I think my favorite part was seeing your daddy be so excited. I don't think Ive ever seen him that happy :) He really loves you so much already! & I love you too!!!
We have decided to call you Jude Thomas. Thomas is my grandfathers name. We are hoping you follow in his footsteps well :)
Also, today I started to feel you move! At first I didn't believe that it was really you but you just kept doing it throughout the day and now Im convinced. You keep taking your little hand or foot and "thumping" me with it. It is such a wonderful feeling knowing your in there moving around :) I wish I could bottle the feeling up and give it to daddy. Hopefully soon you'll grow strong enough that he can feel it too :)
We also picked out your nursery bedding and have decided how we want to decorate it. But, we still haven't found you a good bed yet. Maybe in my next post I will share how we are wanting to decorate your special little space.
Here are some pictures of you inside my tummy. You were 16 weeks and 4 days.
Today you are 17 weeks and 3 days.

we love you so much jude thomas!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

16 Weeks

Hi friends & fam!
It's been a few weeks since I've posted... life gets so busy managing work, school, & family! But I thought Id do a quick update about how Baby B is doing.

I went to the doctor today and Baby B's heart rate was 168! Very good :) & I've gained 5lbs total! Which is good considering I lost 4 in my first trimester!

As far as recent symptoms:
- yesterday was the first time I'd been really nauseous in weeks and I think it was the Sonic hotdog I had eaten. blah :P
- lots or round ligament pain especially since i sit most of the day doing school work and editing
- appetite is finally really kicking in... today I've already had a bowl of cereal, some yogurt, a pack of ritz peanut butter crackers, barbeque nachos, and ice cream. & it's not dinner yet! Yeh, got to stop for the day! haha!
- frequent trips to the potty... baby b is sitting right on my bladder!
- occasional headaches
- all in all feeling wonderful and finally having energy during the day but passing out early at night!

Im not one to eat lots and lots of veggies... in fact, if its green i don't eat it unless its broccoli and broccoli gets old every night! So I thought to compensate and help Baby B get all the vitamins and nutrients he/she needs Id begin drinking V8 juice.
The V8 Fusion is actually quite yummy! The fruit taste covers up the veggie taste pretty well! :)

I go back to the doctor on Halloween Day for my 19 week US & yes, we'll find out the sex!!!... yes, I know, Halloween is a spooky day to be going. But I get to see all the staff at Henderson & Walton dressed in their halloween costumes! It should be too funny for words!
Speaking of Halloween Costumes... here is a shirt I ordered :)
you can find it here and many other cute ones!

Well, that's all for now :)
-LB & Baby B

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Week 13

Just thought I'd share some of my experiences from the week... part of it was a rough one thats for sure!
I was SICK! Not morning sickness sick but physically had some sort of something non-pregnancy related. On Wednesday morning I woke up in the middle of the night with my sinuses hurting so bad they were bleeding and had me nearly in tears. Well, I spent that whole day with this:
& I watched about 18 episodes of Ally McBeal on Netflix back to back. Thank you Jesus for Netflix!! ;)
I ran a low grade temp of about 99.9 and monitored it like crazy but according to my pregnancy book I shouldn't take tylenol unless it reaches 100.4 and above so I sucked it up and pouted all day ;)
3 days later Im all better and laughing a little about how big of a baby I was. But, its legitimately hard to feel bad and not take anything!
On a happier note, I did devour these in about 2 days:
Yeh, apparently the saying "pickles and ice cream" has rang true for this pregnancy ;)
I think Im gonna go eat a pickle now. The picture has me craving them again =D
Here is something for your listening pleasure if you haven't already watched it on my facebook:
my little horse.

A flutter & a Heart Beat

Originally Written: 9/19/2011
well, today marks the LAST WEEK OF MY FIRST TRIMESTER!!!!!! YAY!! Can you tell Im excited????
& to top it all off- I went ALL DAY yesterday without taking my Zofran (nausea med)! eek! Doing so good this morning and hoping that I am over the morning sickness stuff!
current symptoms: exhaustion about midday. headaches occasionally. round ligament pain. some others that i just won't post on the internet. haha. otherwise doing great and so glad to take nausea off that list! lets hope it stays off!!!
& something SUPER exciting that up until now I had only told Drew because Im still unsure if I believe it myself- I felt the baby move!!!! only a flutter of course but it was AMAZING! At first I didn't believe what I felt- thought it HAD TO BE just gas but then I looked it up on the internet and it did it again, and YEP that was definitely it! It just so happened to be this weekend while we were in Mississippi and I had just got done eating some of my Gran's amazing cooking so Im going to say the baby loves Grans cooking and leave it at that ;)
here's a sweet video of our pumpkin's heartbeat at 13 weeks. music to my ears. :) The louder/faster heartbeat is the babies and the quieter one in the background is mine- no there aren't 2 babies ;)

why post?

Originally Written: 9/19/2011
Today Im 13 weeks pregnant. Wow! Time sure does fly! It seems like just yesterday I was 4 1/2 weeks and we were freaking out over the news! As I progress in my pregnancy, I've already (because of mommy brain i guess), begun to forget certain details of the journey. Which definitely makes me a little sad. I definitely don't want to forget the little things once baby b gets here.
That's what we've named him/her for now "baby b". Im not one who's big on calling my little one "peanut". It's just used too much. If I call him/her anything other than the baby or baby b it's usually "pumpkin". I don't know why, but i just like it better than peanut. This is why I've begun the blog. 10 years from now I definitely won't be remembering that! ha!
I guess the main reason I want to start this blog is so that when pumpkin grows up I can have it all printed into a book for them (all my pumpkins ;) ) to read and look back upon. I also find it relieving to journal my feelings and experiences. The Lord knows that their have been a ton of them thus far ;)
So, that's what Im doing here. Im going to begin by catching you all up in a post soon on how we found out and what we've experienced thus far. Then I will have a weekly post (sometimes more often) about how Im feeling, how babies doing, and pictures so you can see how he or she is growing. Im looking forward to documenting it all and in turn remembering it all. :)
Please don't mind the messyness of the blog as Im still designing it and picking a background and template I like as well as a name for this blog! Please help me pick out the name! I am all ears for suggestions! I want it to be something good and pertaining to our walk through parenthood.